The Watoto Village Tour



Suubi Village
Pastor Chris hosts Guild Team

Following our visit to Watoto Suubi Children’s Home, I’d like to share some of the heartfelt moments and team-building experiences we shared.

From the moment we crossed the entrance, we were welcomed by beautiful trees on the hill that produced a soothing and fresh breeze. Our first stop was the technical building, known as “The Heart of Watoto Suubi” due to its pivotal role in the village’s construction and maintenance. One of the first structures built in the early 2000s, it has now been converted into a technical institute to provide technical skills training for high school graduates.

Next, we proceeded to the top of the hill, where we enjoyed the stunning views of Watoto Church and Watoto Schools – Hope Junior and Hope Senior. Over the last 15 years, more than 2,000 orphaned children have walked through these corridors, receiving a holistic education made possible by Watoto’s commitment to their development. On the day we visited, the expansive sports facilities were hosting U16 games.

This place is truly wholesome, nurturing both mind and body.

Shortly after, we met Denis, our guide, who introduced us to Pastor Chris. He shared several heart-touching and eye-opening stories about how orphaned children came to Watoto (and to Suubi in particular), adapted, and grew into respectable individuals. Pastor Chris’ narratives brought so much into perspective and deepened my empathy for the children there.

Watoto rescues children, some of them abandoned babies – and so our official village tour kicked off at the Suubi babies home. Palm trees lined the freshly painted walkways, it feels like a whole new world, inside “the village”.  We were warmly received by Miriam, a supervisor at Baby Watoto. She satisfied our curiosity by explaining the care provided to orphaned infants of up to three years old. Miriam guided us through the various stages the infants undergo until they leave Baby Watoto. The cleanliness and organization of the place were impressive, and the Bible quotations on the walls symbolize courage, unity, and love.

Perhaps what’s amazing is Miriam is, herself a Watoto graduate, a social worker by profession who spent a year volunteering at the home before she had the opportunity to apply for the position. As a supervisor, she is on call all day long, overseeing change in the 2 work shifts, and a day time load of between 6 – 12 nannies and a couple of volunteers. 

As we left, I couldn’t help but notice the intentionality in the program design and execution. 9 homes form a circular cluster, and 1 additional home on the side. A senior mother lives in the 10th, slightly secluded home. Each home is built to have 3 bedrooms, 1 for boys, 1 for girls and their house mother. Each bedroom will have a maximum of 4 children, making the house a family of 9. According to Pastor Gary Skinner, God told him to specifically place the vulnerable in families. 

With Ethan and his family, House 159

On we headed to House 159 – where our sponsored child, Ethan Musana lives. We were welcomed by Ethan’s 5 siblings, and their mother Joy, who had prepared us a sumptuous meal.  

Charlotte and Birungi, at Lunch

This was an opportunity to meet the rest of the family and for us who were experiencing this for the first time, it was an opportunity to hear their stories. Lunch was filled with smiles and laughter, creating an atmosphere of true family.

Afterward, we walked to the goat farm, where we saw how milking is done and had fun carrying some of the baby goats. The goat farm is part of Watoto’s sustainability model, providing milk to the Baby’s home and generating proceeds from the goat sales. Located at the lower edge of the slope, and bordering the village, it plays a crucial role in supporting the community. Watoto children can volunteer at the farm, and gain first hand skills on raising animals for subsistence; as well as commercial prospects. It was hard for me to resist a selfie with one of the young ones.

Overall, this tour provided profound insights into how our team can give back to the community through supporting at least one child. Why did we do this? So we could join thousands of sponsors around the world, who, for the equivalent of 70,000ugx every month, together, we help Watoto provide smiles, like Ethan’s and many others. Visit the website, and I hope you sign up today.